印度贾坎德邦为期 2 天的强降雨造成道路改道、树木连根拔起和房屋损坏;学校停课,国防军派出小组,没有人员伤亡。 2-day heavy rainfall in Jharkhand, India caused road diversions, tree uprooting, and house damage; schools closed, NDRF teams deployed, no casualties.
印度Jharkhand连续两天的暴雨造成道路改道被冲走,树木被连根拔起,房屋受损,但没有人员伤亡的报告。 Heavy rainfall for two consecutive days in Jharkhand, India caused road diversions to be washed away, trees to be uprooted, and damage to houses, but no casualties have been reported. 州政府关闭了学校,并部署了国家救济基金小组,在受影响地区开展救援行动。 The state government closed schools and deployed NDRF teams for rescue operations in affected areas. 气象局对许多县的暴雨发出警报,雨量不足降至32%。 The weather department issued an alert for heavy rains in many districts, with the rain deficiency reduced to 32%.