印度Kartikeya珠宝店的火灾很可能是短路造成的,损坏了装饰品和家具。 Fire at Kartikeya Jewelry shop in India likely caused by short circuit, damaging ornaments and furniture.
印度安得拉邦Parvathipuram的Kartikeya珠宝店星期一晚上发生火灾。 A fire broke out at the Kartikeya Jewelry shop in Parvathipuram, Andhra Pradesh, India, during Monday night. 消防员怀疑是短路造成的,他们扑灭了火焰,损坏了商店的家具以及金和银装饰品。 Suspected to be caused by a short circuit, firefighters extinguished the blaze, which damaged the shop's furniture and gold and silver ornaments. 损害的全部程度尚未确定。 The full extent of the damage is yet to be determined.