孟买一家废品市场发生火灾,造成几家商店受损,但没有人受伤,要花几个小时才能控制。 A fire at a Mumbai scrap market damages several shops but causes no injuries, taking hours to control.
周六下午4点左右孟买Kurla的废品市场发生大火, 损坏约七至八家商店, A major fire broke out at a scrap market in Kurla, Mumbai on Saturday around 4 pm, damaging about 7 to 8 shops but causing no injuries. 它被归类为2级火力 消防员花了近三个小时控制火力 Classified as a level 2 fire, it took firefighters nearly three hours to control the blaze. 由于塑料等可燃材料的燃烧,大火在五角大楼附近起,迅速蔓延。 The fire started near the Equinox building and spread quickly due to combustible materials like plastic. 这起事件是在上个月该地区发生类似火灾之后发生的,没有伤亡。 This incident follows similar fires in the area within the past month, all without casualties.