金融专家警告说,在即将出台监管条例之前,“买即付后付”服务会带来风险。 Financial expert warns of risks with "Buy Now Pay Later" services before upcoming regulation.
金融专家Martin Lewis警告说, 由于缺乏监管, 本节期间不要使用「买即付」服务(BNPL), Financial expert Martin Lewis warns against using "Buy Now Pay Later" (BNPL) services this holiday season due to lack of regulation. BNPL允许店主拖延付款,但如果管理不谨慎,可能导致债务。 BNPL lets shoppers delay payments but can lead to debt if not managed carefully. 联合王国政府计划从2026年1月开始监管这些服务,但在此之前,消费者可能面临金融风险,而没有保护措施。 The UK government plans to regulate these services starting January 2026, but until then, consumers may face financial risks without protective measures in place.