八十五岁的男子死亡,三人受伤在多车辆撞击在50号公路附近孤独的杰克, 密苏里州. Eighty-five-year-old man dies, three injured in multi-vehicle crash on Highway 50 near Lone Jack, Missouri.
12月21日,密苏里州Lone Jack附近的50号公路发生三辆汽车碰撞,造成一名85岁男子死亡,三人受伤。 An 85-year-old man died and three others were injured in a three-vehicle collision on Highway 50 near Lone Jack, Missouri, on December 21. 车祸涉及一辆 1997 年的雪佛兰 Silverado、一辆 2002 年的雪佛兰 Silverado 和一辆 2019 年的福特 F-150。 The crash involved a 1997 Chevrolet Silverado, a 2002 Chevrolet Silverado, and a 2019 Ford F-150. 两名来自Oak Grove的乘客和一名沃伦斯堡妇女的伤势危及生命,而2002年Silvado驾驶员的66岁司机受轻伤。 Two passengers from Oak Grove and a Warrensburg woman suffered life-threatening injuries, while the 66-year-old driver of the 2002 Silverado had minor injuries. 两个 Silverados 都被总计。 Both Silverados were totaled.