在路易斯安那州正面碰撞中,三人死亡,包括两名儿童;五人在车辆中。 Three died, including two children, in a Louisiana head-on collision; five were in the vehicles.
星期天,在路易斯安那州华盛顿分会的一条农村公路发生正面碰撞,造成包括两名儿童在内的三人死亡,另有三人重伤。 Three people, including two children, died and three others were critically injured in a head-on collision on a rural highway in Washington Parish, Louisiana, on Sunday. 车祸发生在一辆北向行驶的雪佛兰 Silverado 越过中心线并撞上南向的雪佛兰 Tahoe 时。 The crash occurred when a northbound Chevrolet Silverado crossed the centerline and hit a southbound Chevrolet Tahoe. Tahoe号的司机Tequilla Santee及其两名年轻乘客被打死。 The driver of the Tahoe, Tequilla Santee, and her two young passengers were killed. 司机洛根·施马尔兹受伤严重. Logan Schmalz, the driver of the Silverado, was critically injured. 坠机事故正在调查中 毒理学测试还在进行中 The crash is under investigation, with toxicology tests pending. 路易斯安那州警方正在强调安全带安全 Louisiana State Police are emphasizing seatbelt safety.