一名来自密苏里州的少年在61号公路上开车走错路后死亡,与州附近的一辆半卡车碰撞。 A teen from Missouri died after driving the wrong way on Highway 61, colliding with a semi-truck near Canton.
一名来自密苏里州温茨维尔的18岁青年在开车到61号公路上走错路后死亡,周二深夜在密苏里州州附近与一条向北的半卡车撞车。 An 18-year-old from Wentzville, Missouri, died after driving the wrong way on Highway 61 and colliding with a northbound semi-truck near Canton, Missouri, late Tuesday night. 卡车司机35岁,来自明尼苏达苹果谷,没有受伤。 The truck driver, a 35-year-old from Apple Valley, Minnesota, was not injured. 61号高速公路南行道关闭,但星期三上午重新开放。 Southbound lanes of Highway 61 were closed but reopened Wednesday morning.