一所英国学校的耶稣诞生剧为一个孩子分配了一扇门的角色,引发了网上的幽默。 A British school's nativity play assigned a child the role of a door, sparking online humor.
英国学校的圣诞节天性游戏 指派一个孩子做门的角色 引起家长的欢笑 A school's Christmas nativity play in Britain assigned a child the role of a door, prompting laughter among parents. Emma Szewczak 在 Twitter 上分享了学校的电子邮件,其中建议制作纸板和绳子服装。 Emma Szewczak shared the school's email on Twitter, which suggested making a cardboard and string costume. Emma计划为她女儿的表演创造「史上最精密的大门」。 The unusual role sparked a humorous exchange online, with Emma planning to create "the most elaborate door in history" for her daughter's performance.