英国房主给宾客的圣诞礼物 不小心被扔掉 被摄像头拍到UK homeowner's Christmas gift for bin man accidentally thrown away, caught on camera.
英国的一位房主为他们的垃圾桶人留下了一份圣诞礼物,但该工人错过了它,不小心把它扔掉了,正如 Ring Doorbell 摄像头捕捉到的那样。A homeowner in the UK left out a Christmas gift for their bin man, but the worker missed it and accidentally threw it away, as captured on a Ring Doorbell camera.事件突显了有时在节日期间可能发生的幽默灾难。The incident highlights the sometimes humorous mishaps that can occur during the holiday season.