一名全体女性船员乘坐INSV Tarini号从澳大利亚驶往新西兰,这是他们全球考察的一个里程碑。 An all-women crew sailed INSV Tarini from Australia to New Zealand, marking a milestone in their global expedition.
印度海军的帆船INSV Tarini在28天内完成了从澳大利亚到新西兰的6 500公里的航程,作为其全球考察活动Navika Sagar Parikrama II的一部分。 The Indian Navy's sailing vessel, INSV Tarini, completed a 6,500 km voyage from Australia to New Zealand in 28 days as part of its global expedition, Navika Sagar Parikrama II. 该船由全体女性船员指挥,面临强风和海浪等挑战。 Commanded by an all-women crew, the vessel faced challenges like strong winds and waves. 机组人员在新西兰受到当地官员和毛利人社区的欢迎。 The crew was welcomed in New Zealand by local officials and the Maori community. 该考察旨在赋予妇女权力和促进国际海事合作,计划沿途停止补充。 The expedition aims to empower women and promote international maritime cooperation, with stops planned for replenishment along the way.