西澳大利亚州向印度全体女性海军船员致敬,因为他们的全球航行促进了妇女赋权。 Western Australia honored India's all-female naval crew for their global voyage promoting women's empowerment.
西澳大利亚州议会为印度海军帆船塔里尼号全体女性船员的环绕环航远征颁奖。 The Western Australian Parliament honored the all-female crew of the Indian Naval Sailing Vessel Tarini for their global circumnavigation expedition. 在Dilna和Roopa中校的带领下,船员离开印度果阿后在Fremantle停靠,进行为期八个月的航行,旨在促进赋予妇女权力和进行科学研究。 Led by Lt Cdrs Dilna and Roopa, the crew docked in Fremantle after leaving Goa, India, for an eight-month voyage aiming to promote women's empowerment and conduct scientific research. 探险队“Navika Sagar Parikrama II”将看到机组人员在2025年5月返回印度之前访问多个目的地。 The expedition, 'Navika Sagar Parikrama II,' will see the crew visit several destinations before returning to India in May 2025.