在康涅狄格州Fairfield县挫败了两次入侵家庭未遂事件,促使警方发出安全警报。 Two attempted home invasions were thwarted in Fairfield County, Connecticut, prompting police safety alerts.
12月20日, 康涅狄格州Fairfield县Westport和Darien发生两起家庭入侵未遂事件。 On December 20th, two thwarted home invasion attempts occurred in Westport and Darien, Fairfield County, Connecticut. 在西港,一名闯入者试图在凌晨3时50分左右闯入Compo海滩附近的一所住宅,在达里安,又有人企图在凌晨4时30分左右通过前窗企图闯入。 In Westport, an intruder tried to break into a home near Compo Beach around 3:50 a.m., and in Darien, another attempt happened around 4:30 a.m. through a front window. 警方建议居民保持警惕并采取安全措施, Police advise residents to stay vigilant and take safety measures like locking doors, installing deadbolts, and using security cameras.