Tulisa Contostavlos在「我是个名人」时, 揭露了她的健康战役, 包括焦虑和药物依赖。 Tulisa Contostavlos opened up about her health battles, including anxiety and drug dependency, during her "I'm A Celebrity" stint.
前X因数法官Tulisa Contostavlos在「我是个名人」时, 揭露了她的健康斗争, 包括焦虑、夜惊、恐同症等。 Tulisa Contostavlos, a former X Factor judge, revealed her health struggles during her time on "I'm A Celebrity," including anxiety, night terrors, and agoraphobia. 她已考虑退出节目,最终得到ITV的支持,返回英国。 She had considered quitting the show and was eventually supported by ITV to return to the UK. Tulisa也讨论了她过去的处方药依赖性(她设法克服了这种依赖性),以及她与面部填充者的经历,这些导致她健康问题。 Tulisa also discussed her past prescription drug dependency, which she managed to overcome, and her experiences with facial fillers that caused her health issues.