Tulisa在错误地将都柏林称为英国城市「我是名人」后, 面对社交媒体的反弹。 Tulisa faced social media backlash after mistakenly calling Dublin a UK city on "I'm A Celebrity."
前任X因数法官 现任"我是个名人 带我离开这里" Former X Factor judge and current "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!" 参赛者 Tulisa 在比赛中错误地将都柏林识别为英国的一个城市后,面临社交媒体的强烈反对。 contestant Tulisa faced social media backlash after mistakenly identifying Dublin as a city in the UK during a game. 许多观众在社交媒体上批评她, 有些人呼吁将她从节目中除名。 Despite being corrected by the show's presenter, many viewers criticized her on social media, with some calling for her removal from the show.