在ITV的“我是名人”的名人参赛者分享关于纹身和心理健康斗争的个人故事。 Celebrity contestants on ITV's "I'm A Celebrity" shared personal stories about tattoos and mental health struggles.
在ITV最近的一集“我是名人...带我离开这里!”中, 野营囚犯分享了有关他们纹身和心理健康的个人故事。 In a recent episode of ITV's "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!," campmates shared personal stories about their tattoos and mental health. Jane Moore在18岁时揭露了她痛苦的屁股纹身图案 留下一个未完成的蓝鸟设计 Jane Moore revealed her painful bum tattoo attempt at 18, which left her with an unfinished bluebird design. Danny Jones, McFly歌手, 开诚布公地谈论他从19岁开始的焦虑和治疗, 讨论他如何应对心理健康问题。 Danny Jones, a McFly singer, opened up about his anxiety and therapy since age 19, discussing how he copes with mental health issues. 对话突出了公开谈论心理健康斗争的重要性。 The conversation highlighted the importance of talking openly about mental health struggles.