加利福尼亚州2024年12月21日发生的三起暴力事件造成多人死亡和被捕。 Three violent incidents on December 21, 2024, in California resulted in multiple fatalities and arrests.
加利福尼亚州于2024年12月21日发生了两起不同的暴力事件。 Two separate violent incidents occurred in California on December 21, 2024. 在莫雷诺谷,一名男子因殴打一名女性亲属而被捕。 In Moreno Valley, a man was arrested for the fatal assault of a woman relative. 在Azusa,一名17岁女孩被致命刺伤,一名18岁男孩被羁押。 In Azusa, a 17-year-old girl was fatally stabbed, and an 18-year-old boy is in custody. 另外,在阿尔塔迪纳,一名男女在他们家中被发现被枪杀,当局调查了此案。 Also, in Altadena, a man and woman were found shot to death in their home, with authorities investigating the case.