非法人圣莱安德罗发生致命枪击事件,造成妇女死亡、男子受伤。 Fatal shooting in unincorporated San Leandro results in woman's death, man injured.
非法人圣莱安德罗发生致命枪击事件,导致一名妇女死亡、一名男子受伤。 A fatal shooting occurred in unincorporated San Leandro, leading to the death of a woman and injury of a man. 阿拉米达县治安官办公室正在将此事件作为凶杀案进行调查。 The Alameda County Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident as a homicide. 枪击事件发生在嫌疑人与受害者之间发生言语争执期间,公共安全不存在持续风险。 The shooting happened during a verbal dispute between the suspect and victims, and there is no ongoing risk to public safety. 受伤男子幸存,但行动不便的女子却不幸身亡。 The injured man survived, but the woman with a mobility impairment did not. 治安官办公室鼓励任何有信息的人联系调查人员。 The sheriff's office encourages anyone with information to contact investigators.