嫌疑人抢劫了美国酒店在布法罗格罗夫,伊利诺伊州, 在枪支的威胁下, 逃离后拿钱. Suspect robbed Extended Stay America hotel in Buffalo Grove, Ill., at gunpoint, fleeing after taking money.
在伊利诺伊州Buffalo Grove的美国扩展旅店发生了武装抢劫。 星期六清晨3点17分左右,一名有东欧口音的嫌犯跳过前台,用手枪索要钱,徒步向东逃跑。 An armed robbery occurred at the Extended Stay America hotel in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, early Saturday morning around 3:17 a.m. A suspect with an Eastern European accent jumped the front desk, demanded money with a handgun, and fled east on foot. 他被描述为白人或西班牙裔,穿红色夹克、灰色裤子和浅色鞋。 Described as white or Hispanic, he wore a red jacket, gray pants, and light-colored shoes. 没有受伤的报告,嫌疑人仍然在逃。 No injuries were reported, and the suspect remains at large. 警方正在调查 并询问任何有情报的人 打电话给847 -459 -2560 Police are investigating and ask anyone with information to call 847-459-2560.