史密斯学院开设白人至上课程,旨在教育学生如何反对意识形态。 Smith College offers course on white supremacy, aiming to educate students on combating the ideology.
马萨诸塞州的史密斯学院正在开设一门课程,名为“特朗普时代的白优越论”,该课程审视了白人至高无上的意识形态对美国政治的历史和当前影响。 Smith College in Massachusetts is offering a course called "White Supremacy in the Age of Trump," which examines the history and current impact of white supremacist ideology on American politics. 该课程由访问的Loretta J. Ross教授牵头,旨在借鉴反种族主义学者的著作,帮助学生了解白人特权和打击白人霸权的战略。 Led by visiting professor Loretta J. Ross, the course aims to help students understand white privilege and strategies to combat white supremacy, drawing on works by antiracist scholars. 该学院根据学术自由政策支持该课程。 The college supports the course under its academic freedom policies.