Alex Ferguson爵士在BBC早餐上向已故妻子Cathy女士致敬,分享回忆和播放列表。 Sir Alex Ferguson honored his late wife, Lady Cathy, on BBC Breakfast, sharing memories and a playlist.
前曼彻斯特联合经理Alex Ferguson爵士在BBC早餐上分享了他已故妻子凯茜夫人的情感回忆。 Former Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson shared emotional memories of his late wife, Lady Cathy, on BBC Breakfast. 凯茜夫人于2023年10月去世 这对夫妇已经结婚50年了 Lady Cathy passed away in October 2023, and the couple had been married for 50 years. Ferguson于1964年会见了Cathy,认为她是他职业生涯中的一个关键人物,赞扬她是一个伟大的妻子、母亲和祖母。 Ferguson, who met Cathy in 1964, credited her as a key figure in his career and praised her as a great wife, mother, and grandmother. 在采访中,他制作了一个播放列表,包括一首《与风共鸣》的歌曲,这让他想起了她。 During the interview, he created a playlist, including a song from "Gone with the Wind" that reminded him of her. 自从她去世后 Ferguson一直支持一个慈善组织 利用音乐帮助痴呆症患者 Since her passing, Ferguson has supported a charity using music to help dementia patients.