苏格兰防止基于性别的暴力的学校方案没有完成,只有三分之一的预定学校受益。 Scottish school program to prevent gender-based violence falls short, reaching only a third of intended schools.
旨在防止苏格兰学校中基于性别的暴力的“同等安全”学校方案只在361所由国家资助的中学中的116所实施,没有达到政府2020年的目标,即达到地方当局学校的48%。 The Equally Safe at School programme, aimed at preventing gender-based violence in Scottish schools, is only operational in 116 out of 361 state-funded secondary schools, falling short of the government's 2020 target to reach 48% of local authority schools. 苏格兰工党的Pauline McNeill感到关切的是,多达三分之二的学生可能错过这一教育,这突出表明了家庭虐待事件和性犯罪的增加。 Scottish Labour's Pauline McNeill is concerned that up to two-thirds of pupils may miss out on this education, highlighting the rise in domestic abuse incidents and sexual crimes. 苏格兰政府承认这一问题,并正在努力提高该方案的接受率。 The Scottish Government acknowledges the issue and is working to increase the programme's uptake.