黑手党通过篡改条码盗窃礼品卡资金;BBB建议检查是否有篡改迹象。 Scammers are stealing gift card funds by tampering with barcodes; BBB advises checking for signs of tampering.
通过改条形码和包装, 骗子们正在消耗礼品卡的资金. Scammers are draining gift card funds by tampering with barcodes and packaging. 为了避免骗局,更好的商业局建议检查包装和条形码是否有被篡改的迹象,避免提供核对礼品卡余额的网站,并在可能的情况下登记礼品卡。 To avoid scams, the Better Business Bureau advises checking for any signs of tampering on the packaging and barcodes, avoiding websites that offer to check gift card balances, and registering the gift card if possible. 将礼品卡像现金一样处理,并迅速报告丢失或被盗的礼品卡,也有助于保护余额。 Treating gift cards like cash and reporting them lost or stolen quickly can also help protect the balance.