2 名男子使用偷来的信用卡购买内布拉斯加州彩票刮刮乐,使用电话号码完成交易。 2 men use stolen credit cards to buy Nebraska Lottery scratch-offs, using phone numbers to complete transactions.
内布拉斯加州诺福克警察局提醒企业注意一桩骗局, 两人用窃取的信用卡号码购买内布拉斯加州彩票入场券。 The Norfolk Police Division in Nebraska has alerted businesses about a scam where two men use stolen credit card numbers to buy Nebraska Lottery scratch-off tickets. 嫌犯没有个人卡,在交易获得批准之前,从电话中输入多个号码。 The suspects, who do not have physical cards, enter multiple numbers from their phones until a transaction is approved. 他们驾驶的车辆往往没有牌照,或有州外牌照。 They often drive vehicles without license plates or with out-of-state plates. 敦促当地企业向执法部门报告任何可疑行为。 Local businesses are urged to report any suspicious behavior to law enforcement.