Tulsa男子警告信用卡被盗,建议使用信贷而不是借记来更好地保护。 Tulsa man warns of credit card theft, advises using credit over debit for better protection.
图尔萨居民梅森·贝利诺警告用他的信息购买礼品卡后发生信用卡盗窃。 Tulsa resident Mason Bellino warns of credit card theft after his information was used to buy gift cards. 财务顾问菲尔·柯克建议为可疑活动定期检查银行对账单,如发现,立即与银行联系。 Financial advisor Phil Kirk advises checking bank statements regularly for suspicious activity and contacting the bank immediately if found. Bellino建议使用信用卡而不是借记卡来更好地保护,公平贸易委员会鼓励举报身份盗窃。 Bellino recommends using credit cards over debit cards for better protection and the FTC encourages reporting identity theft.