孟买艺术 deco Trust为了保护该市艺术 Deco建筑而奋斗, Mumbai's Art Deco Trust fights to preserve the city's Art Deco buildings amid urbanization threats.
孟买艺术Deco信托基金致力于保护该市艺术Deco建筑, Mumbai's Art Deco Trust works to preserve the city's Art Deco buildings, a UNESCO Heritage site, amidst threats from urbanization. 信托机构成立于1998年,它清理、保持和提高人们对这些反映孟买历史和文化特性的结构重要性的认识。 Founded in 1998, the trust cleans, maintains, and raises awareness about the importance of these structures, which reflect Mumbai's historical and cultural identity. 尽管作出了努力,但租金管制法和认识有限等挑战妨碍了养护工作,特别是在新城市地区。 Despite efforts, challenges like rent control laws and limited awareness hinder conservation, especially in newer city areas.