芝加哥艺术研究所从Aaron I. Fleischman和Lin Lougheed那里收到7 500美元,用于一座现代艺术建筑。 Art Institute of Chicago receives $75M for a modern art building from Aaron I. Fleischman and Lin Lougheed.
芝加哥艺术学院收到收藏家Aaron I. Fleischman和Lin Loughe的历史性捐款7 500万美元,用于19世纪和20世纪以来专用于现代艺术的新建筑。 The Art Institute of Chicago has received a historic $75 million donation from collectors Aaron I. Fleischman and Lin Lougheed for a new building dedicated to modern art from the 19th and 20th centuries. 这座建筑以捐赠者的名字命名,将提升博物馆的市中心园区,享有千禧公园和湖泊的美景。 Named after the donors, this building will enhance the museum's downtown campus, featuring views of Millennium Park and the lake. 该倡议旨在增加画廊空间,改善公众查阅博物馆广泛收藏品的机会。 The initiative aims to increase gallery space and improve public access to the museum’s extensive collection.