闪电罢工在爱尔兰罗安的教堂爆发,导致村庄停电。 Lightning strike collapses church spire in Ruan, Ireland, causing village power outage.
在爱尔兰Co Clare的Ruan发生的闪电袭击引发了一场火灾,导致当地一个教堂的木材树枝倒塌,使该村庄失去电力。 A lightning strike in Ruan, Co Clare, Ireland, caused a fire that led to the collapse of the timber spire at a local church, leaving the village without power. 消防员控制了大火,防止大火蔓延到主楼,主楼受到水损坏和电力系统损坏。 Firefighters controlled the blaze, preventing it from spreading to the main building, which suffered water damage and electrical system damage. 附近的一栋房子也着火,据信是闪电造成的,但没有报告有人受伤。 A nearby house also caught fire, believed to be due to lightning, but no injuries were reported. 结构工程师将检查教堂的塔。 Structural engineers will inspect the church tower.