电气火灾严重损害了德克萨斯州历史悠久的第一卫理公会教堂。 Electrical fire severely damages historic First Methodist Church in Texas.
12月9日, 在得克萨斯州马歇尔(Marshall), 一座历史悠久的首届卫理公会教堂遭电力大火严重破坏, An electrical fire severely damaged the historic First Methodist Church in Marshall, Texas, on December 9. 火灾始于行政办公室所在的下层,消防员15小时控制。 The fire started in the lower level, where administrative offices are located, and took firefighters 15 hours to control. 现在,在进行结构评估时,该大楼被临时栅栏围住。 The building is now secured with temporary fencing while undergoing structural assessments. 教会领袖正与保险代表合作规划下一步工作。 Church leaders are working with insurance representatives to plan the next steps.