黎巴嫩「圣诞节在行动」公平返回贝鲁特, Lebanon's "Christmas In Action" fair returns to Beirut, bringing festivity after years of conflict.
黎巴嫩一年一度的“圣诞节在行动”博览会回到贝鲁特, Lebanon's annual "Christmas In Action" fair returned to Beirut, bringing festive cheer after years of conflict. 在12月13日至23日的De Beyrouth论坛上, 博览会每日吸引数千人, Held at the Forum De Beyrouth from December 13 to 23, the fair attracts thousands daily with its festive decorations, food, live music, and arts activities. Jelle Feghali组织者注意到供应商兴趣激增, 反映出公民在长期困苦后渴望庆祝和振兴经济。 Organizer Joelle Feghali notes a surge in vendor interest, reflecting citizens' eagerness to celebrate and revive the economy after prolonged hardship.