缅因州奥本市在疫情暂停后,以游行和圣诞老人访问恢复了圣诞节庆祝活动. Auburn, Maine revives Christmas festivities with a parade and Santa visit after pandemic pause.
缅因州阿伯恩(Auburn)庆祝圣诞节节日在本周末重现, Auburn, Maine celebrated the return of its Christmas festivities this weekend with a parade, tree lighting, and a visit from Santa Claus. 这些事件在疫情爆发前从未发生过, 包括沿主街游行一英里, 圣诞购物村, 以及儿童与圣诞老人见面的机会。 The events, which hadn't occurred since before the pandemic, included a one-mile parade down Main Street, a Christmas Shopping Village, and opportunities for children to meet Santa. 庆祝活动旨在为居民和来访者带来社区和节日欢呼。 The festivities aimed to bring community and holiday cheer to residents and visitors.