劳动秘书Julie Suu谈到保护工人权利不受GOP威胁的问题,重点是工资、安全和工会。 Labor Secretary Julie Su addresses protecting workers' rights from GOP threats, focusing on wages, safety, and unions.
代理劳工秘书Julie Suu讨论保护美国工人免受GOP威胁, 强调公平工资、安全和工会保护。 Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su discusses protecting American workers from potential GOP threats, emphasizing fair wages, safety, and union preservation. Su强调全球化的影响和就业再培训的需要,同时强调劳工部致力于执行工作场所安全标准和履行劳工领袖的贡献。 Su highlights the impact of globalization and the need for job retraining, while stressing the Labor Department's commitment to enforcing workplace safety standards and honoring labor leaders' contributions. 对话强调了保障工人权利免遭政治挑战的重要性。 The conversation underscores the importance of safeguarding workers' rights against political challenges.