四名男子在Bagan Datuk被捕,罪名是出售未经许可的彩票,警方警告要对赌博采取严厉行动。 Four men were arrested in Bagan Datuk for selling unlicensed lotteries, with police warning of strict action against gambling.
4名男子,包括老年公民,在Bagan Datuk因出售未经许可的公共彩票而被逮捕。 Four men, including senior citizens, were arrested in Bagan Datuk for selling unlicensed public lotteries. 突袭发生在四个地点,警察扣押了移动电话和微型打印机。 The raids happened at four locations, and police seized mobile phones and mini printers. 自6月以来,有51人因赌博被捕,9 000多林吉特被扣押现金。 Since June, 51 individuals have been arrested in the area for gambling, with over RM9,000 in cash seized. 警方警告要对赌博活动采取严厉行动,并敦促公众报告任何信息。 The police have warned of strict action against gambling activities and urge the public to report any information.