公元前的毒品超级实验室 有毒废物留下,引发要求全省范围清理规则的呼声。 Drug superlabs in B.C. leave toxic waste, sparking calls for province-wide cleanup rules.
不列颠哥伦比亚省的超级药品实验室正在留下有毒废物,导致费用昂贵和危险的清理工作。 Drug superlabs in British Columbia are leaving behind toxic waste, leading to costly and dangerous cleanups. 这些实验室生产芬太尼和甲基安非他明等毒品,其规模越来越大,更加复杂,造成了危险的混乱,需要专门清理工作。 These labs, producing drugs like fentanyl and methamphetamine, have grown larger and more complex, creating hazardous messes that require specialized cleanup efforts. 加拿大皇家骑警已经花费了数百万美元来处理化学品,但业主经常面临巨额的清理费用。 The RCMP has spent millions disposing of chemicals, but property owners often face hefty cleanup bills. 不列颠哥伦比亚不动产协会呼吁制定一致的全省规则,以补救受污染的财产。 The British Columbia Real Estate Association calls for consistent province-wide rules to remediate contaminated properties.