警方查获数百片类阿片药丸, 包括芬太尼(fentanyl), Police seize hundreds of opioid pills, including fentanyl, after leak reveals pharmacy diversion.
不列颠哥伦比亚Prince George的警察在一次针对药店外贩毒的行动中缉获了数百片药片,包括芬太尼和美沙酮。 Police in Prince George, British Columbia, seized hundreds of pills, including fentanyl and methadone, during an operation targeting drug trafficking outside a pharmacy. 此次行动是在卫生部文件泄漏后进行的,其中揭露了对从不列颠哥伦比亚转移安全供应类阿片的调查情况。 The operation followed a Ministry of Health document leak revealing investigations into the diversion of safe-supply opioids from B.C. 药店。 pharmacies. 嫌疑人被逮捕,但被释放,等待调查。 Suspects were arrested but released pending investigation. 该部报告说,该省很大一部分处方类阿片正被转移和贩卖到加拿大和国际上。 The Ministry reported that a significant portion of prescribed opioids in the province are being diverted and trafficked across Canada and internationally. 执法计划针对特定的药店解决这一问题。 Law enforcement plans to target specific pharmacies to address the issue.