加拿大当局的目标是在不列颠哥伦比亚省查获一个价值4.85亿美元的大型毒品超级实验室。 Canadian authorities aim to seize a massive drug superlab in British Columbia valued at $485 million.
不列颠哥伦比亚省政府正在寻求在不列颠哥伦比亚省福克兰群岛扣押一个财产,在那里发现了加拿大最大的毒品超级实验室。 The British Columbia government is seeking to seize a property in Falkland, BC, where Canada's largest drug superlab was found. 现场有52公斤芬太尼、30公斤MDMA和数吨前体化学品,价值4.85亿美元。 The site contained 52 kg of fentanyl, 30 kg of MDMA, and several tonnes of precursor chemicals, valued at $485 million. 民事没收主任正在对财产所有人Michael Driehuyzen和面临刑事指控的唯一个人Gaganpretet Randhawa进行财产和设备搜查。 The director of civil forfeiture is pursuing the property and equipment against property owner Michael Driehuyzen and Gaganpreet Randhawa, the only individual facing criminal charges. 皇家骑警在2024年10月的一次突袭中发现了该场址,怀疑该场址与墨西哥卡特尔有关联。 The RCMP discovered the site during a raid in October 2024, suspecting it was connected to Mexican cartels.