Donald Trump提名休斯顿火箭拥有者Tilman Fertitta担任美国驻意大利大使。 Donald Trump nominates Houston Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta as U.S. ambassador to Italy.
美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普提名休斯顿火箭公司所有者和兰德里公司总裁、亿万富翁蒂尔曼·费尔蒂塔担任下一任美国驻意大利大使。 US President-elect Donald Trump has nominated billionaire Tilman Fertitta, owner of the Houston Rockets and chairman of Landry's Inc., as the next US ambassador to Italy. Fertitta以在餐馆、旅馆和赌场的商业活动著称,他是一个杰出的商人和慈善家。 Fertitta, known for his business ventures in restaurants, hotels, and casinos, is described as an accomplished businessman and philanthropist. 他的提名需要参议院确认。 His nomination requires Senate confirmation.