Donald Trump提名乌拉圭出生的商人Lou Rinaldi为美国商人。 驻乌拉圭大使。 DonaldTrump nominates Lou Rinaldi, a Uruguayan-born businessman, as the U.S. Ambassador to Uruguay.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普提名在乌拉圭长大的商人和企业家卢·里纳尔迪(Lou Rinaldi)为下一任美国候选人。 President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Lou Rinaldi, a businessman and entrepreneur who grew up in Uruguay, as the next U.S. 驻乌拉圭大使。 Ambassador to Uruguay. Trump强调了Rinaldi对乌拉圭文化和历史及其高尔夫技能的深刻理解,相信他的背景将有助于加强美国和乌拉圭之间的伙伴关系。 Trump highlighted Rinaldi's deep understanding of Uruguay's culture and history, as well as his golfing skills, believing his background will help strengthen the partnership between the U.S. and Uruguay. Trump还宣布了其他大使提名,包括多米尼加共和国的Leah Francis Campos提名和日本的George Edward Glass提名。 Trump also announced other ambassadorial nominations, including Leah Francis Campos for the Dominican Republic and George Edward Glass for Japan.