温哥华市议会提议改变DTES的分区和社会住房, Vancouver City Council proposes changes to zoning and social housing in DTES, sparking gentrification fears.
在市中心节期间,举行了一次市政厅会议,讨论温哥华市议会的一项动议,该动议旨在改变东下城的分区和社会住房定义。 During the Heart of the City Festival, a town hall meeting was held to discuss a Vancouver City Council motion aimed at changing zoning and social housing definitions in the Downtown Eastside (DTES). 批评者担心这些变化可能会将低收入居民排除在新住房之外,从而引起对中产阶级化和流离失所的担忧。 Critics fear these changes could exclude low-income residents from new housing, raising concerns about gentrification and displacement.