温哥华市长提出计划,通过改善住房和打击犯罪来振兴东区市中心。 Vancouver Mayor proposes plan to revitalize Downtown Eastside by upgrading housing and fighting crime.
温哥华市市长Ken Sim提出一个计划,通过暂停新的支助性住房建造,将重点放在现有单元的升级改造上,振兴东下城。 Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim proposes a plan to revitalize the Downtown Eastside by pausing new supportive housing construction to focus on upgrading existing units. 该计划还包括鼓励混合住房、商业和服务,以减少服务集中程度,以及在整个城市打击有组织犯罪。 The plan also includes encouraging a mix of housing, businesses, and services to reduce service concentration, and a citywide crackdown on organized crime. 目标是加强公共安全,将该地区融入更广泛的温哥华社区。 The goal is to enhance public safety and integrate the area into the broader Vancouver community.