美国在谈判表明立场改变后, 放弃了对叙利亚领导人沙拉的1000万美元奖励. U.S. drops $10M reward for Syria's leader al-Sharaa after talks signal shift in stance.
美国在大马士革与助理国务卿芭芭拉·立夫会晤后, 为逮捕叙利亚新领导人艾哈迈德·沙拉(Ahmed al-Sharaa), 放弃了1 000万美元的奖赏。 The US has dropped a $10 million reward for the arrest of Syria's new leader, Ahmed al-Sharaa, following a meeting in Damascus with Assistant Secretary of State Barbara Leaf. Leaf欢迎al-Sharaa发出的“积极信息”,包括打击恐怖主义的承诺。 Leaf welcomed "positive messages" from al-Sharaa, including a commitment to fight terrorism. 尽管 al-Sharaa 的组织 Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) 仍被列入美国恐怖主义黑名单,但会谈表明叙利亚正在转向促进叙利亚的稳定。 Despite al-Sharaa's group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), remaining on the US terror blacklist, the talks suggest a shift towards fostering stability in Syria. 美国代表团还讨论了寻找失踪美国人,包括记者Oustin Tice的下落。 The US delegation also discussed locating missing Americans, including journalist Austin Tice.