联合国警告,到2050年,每年有多达1 000万人死于水路抗微生物抗药性。 UN warns up to 10 million annual deaths by 2050 from antimicrobial resistance in waterways.
据联合国统计,到2050年,水道中的抗微生物抗药性每年可导致多达1 000万人死亡。 Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in waterways could cause up to 10 million deaths annually by 2050, according to the UN. AMR通过污水和农业径流造成的水污染而传播。 AMR is spread through water pollution from sewage and agricultural runoff. 由于水系统复杂,缺乏高效、可扩展的方法,监测AMR具有挑战性。 Monitoring AMR is challenging due to complex water systems and lack of efficient, scalable methods. 多数研究来自美国、中国和巴西,而低收入国家的代表性不足。 Most research is from the US, China, and Brazil, with low-income countries underrepresented. 科学家使用PCR和基因组学来检测AMR, Scientists use PCR and metagenomics to detect AMR, though these methods are expensive. 将这些与更便宜的基于培养的方法相结合,可能会为全球监测 AMR 提供更平衡的方法。 Combining these with cheaper culture-based methods may offer a more balanced approach to monitoring AMR globally.