关于警察对非犯罪的仇恨事件进行辩论, 去年有13,200起. UK debate rages over policing non-crime hate incidents, with 13,200 recorded last year.
在英国,非犯罪仇恨事件引发了辩论。 In the UK, non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs) have sparked debate. 这些事件被定义为出于对种族或性特征等具体特征的敌意而引发的行动,英格兰和威尔士警方必须记录这些事件。 Defined as actions motivated by hostility toward specific characteristics like race or sexuality, these incidents must be recorded by police in England and Wales. 批评者认为,这种做法侵犯了言论自由和浪费警察时间,而支持者则认为这有助于防止犯罪行为升级。 Critics argue the practice infringes on free speech and wastes police time, while proponents say it helps prevent escalation to criminal behavior. 去年,记录了 13,200 起 NCHI,这引发了对警察资源的担忧。 Last year, 13,200 NCHIs were recorded, leading to concerns over police resources. 争议在继续,没有明确解决。 The controversy continues with no clear resolution.