Tulsa's Eden村欢迎第一批居民, 为长期无家可归的人提供负担得起的住房。 Tulsa's Eden Village welcomes its first residents, offering affordable homes for the chronically homeless.
俄克拉荷马州Tulsa的一个新住房项目叫做Eden村,欢迎第一批居民。 A new housing project in Tulsa, Oklahoma, called Eden Village, has welcomed its first residents. 该村是为那些至少已经无家可归一年的人设计的,提供小型住房,每月租金350美元,居民负担水、下水道和垃圾费用。 Designed for those who have been homeless for at least a year, the village offers small homes at $350 per month rent, with residents covering water, sewer, and trash costs. 伊甸村的目标是在3月之前为36人提供住房,最终为63名居民提供住房,优先考虑收入稳定的个人。 Eden Village aims to house 36 people by March and eventually accommodate 63 residents, prioritizing individuals with a stable income.