北达科他州部落辩论创造国家纪念碑, 部落主权与能源发展关切发生分歧。 Tribes in North Dakota debate creating a national monument, split over tribal sovereignty versus energy development concerns.
北达科他州的部落因在140,000英亩土地上建一座国家纪念碑而四分五裂, 一些人支持该纪念碑维护部落主权, Tribes in North Dakota are divided over an effort to create a national monument on 140,000 acres of land, with some supporting it for tribal sovereignty and others, like Chairman Mark Fox of the MHA Nation, worried about its impact on energy development. Fox以其他国家纪念物为例,质疑提案阻碍石油和天然气生产的可能性。 Fox questions the proposal's potential to hinder oil and gas production, citing examples from other national monuments. Lisa Finley-DeVille支持纪念碑, 认为它不会影响能源权利, 但批评者说尊重部落主权意味着考虑部落问题。 State Rep. Lisa Finley-DeVille supports the monument, arguing it won't affect energy rights, but critics say true respect for tribal sovereignty means considering tribal concerns.