萨斯喀彻温以经济损害和违宪为由,拒绝联邦清洁电力规则。 Saskatchewan rejects federal clean electricity rules, citing economic harm and unconstitutionality.
萨斯喀彻温拒绝了联邦政府的《清洁电力条例》,认为其违宪,将损害经济,耗资71亿美元和4 200个工作岗位。 Saskatchewan has rejected the federal government's Clean Electricity Regulations (CER), arguing they are unconstitutional and would harm the economy, costing $7.1 billion and 4,200 jobs. 该省将不遵循条例,但目标仍然是到2050年实现净零功率,计划使用小型模块核反应堆和改善可再生能源。 The province will not follow the regulations but still aims for net-zero power by 2050, planning to use small modular nuclear reactors and improved renewable sources. 联邦政府认为二氧化碳监管是一项联邦责任。 The federal government views carbon dioxide regulation as a federal responsibility.