萨斯喀彻温省以成本和宪法问题为由挑战联邦清洁电力规则。 Saskatchewan challenges federal clean electricity rules, citing costs and constitutional issues.
萨斯喀彻温省反对联邦清洁电力条例,该条例旨在到2050年实现净零电网,尽管在负担得起的电力和财政支持方面有所妥协。 Saskatchewan fights against federal Clean Electricity Regulations, aiming for a net-zero grid by 2050, despite compromises for affordable electricity and financial support. 该省在碳定价问题上输掉了一场法庭战役, 现在又考虑另一个挑战, The province lost a court battle over carbon pricing and now considers another challenge, calling the regulations "unconstitutional." 批评者认为这种违抗态度,包括拒绝对天然气征收碳排放费,阻碍了清洁能源的过渡。 Critics argue this defiance, including refusal to collect a carbon charge on natural gas, hinders clean energy transitions.