教皇弗朗西斯批评梵蒂冈工作人员流言蜚语,敦促在2025年的圣年之前谦逊。 Pope Francis criticizes Vatican staff for gossip, urging humility ahead of 2025's Holy Year.
教皇弗朗西斯利用每年一次的圣诞节贺词,谴责梵蒂冈工作人员相互流言蜜语和说反话,强调八卦会破坏社会生活,破坏人心。 Pope Francis used his annual Christmas message to reprimand Vatican staff for gossiping and speaking ill of each other, emphasizing that gossip destroys social life and sickens hearts. 他敦促神职人员相互讲好话,检查他们的良心,提倡谦逊和公开对话。 He urged the clergy to speak well of one another and examine their consciences, promoting humility and open dialogue. 这一信息在梵蒂冈圣年之前发出,预计2025年将吸引3 200万朝圣者。 This message comes ahead of the Vatican's Holy Year, expected to attract 32 million pilgrims in 2025.