俄克拉荷马州办事处专员Todd Hiett面临不当行为指控; Oklahoma Corp. Commissioner Todd Hiett faces misconduct allegations; remains in role amid rate hike争议.
俄克拉荷马州Todd Hiett公司专员面临关于性行为不端和公开酗酒的指控,因此正在进行调查。 Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Todd Hiett faces allegations of sexual misconduct and public intoxication, leading to an ongoing investigation. Hiett道歉,辞去主席职务,但仍担任专员。 Hiett apologized and stepped down as chairman but remains a commissioner. 俄克拉荷马州最高法院驳回了将他撤职的动议,将案件提交道德委员会。 The Oklahoma Supreme Court denied a motion to remove him, referring the case to the Ethics Commission. 州代表对 1.27 亿美元的加息提出质疑,理由是涉及 Hiett 的道德问题。 State representatives have challenged a $127 million rate increase, citing ethical concerns involving Hiett.