俄克拉荷马州立法者要求对俄克拉荷马州惩教部内的监狱虐待和问题进行调查,包括强奸、勒索、殴打和吸毒。 Oklahoma State lawmakers demand an investigation into prison abuse and problems, including rape, extortion, beatings, and drug use, within the Oklahoma Department of Corrections.
俄克拉荷马州立法者要求对监狱虐待和问题进行调查,并让囚犯家属分享他们的故事和担忧。 Oklahoma State lawmakers demand an investigation into prison abuse and problems, with family members of inmates sharing their stories and concerns. 众议员 JJ 汉弗莱致力于揭露俄克拉荷马州惩戒部内的强奸、勒索、殴打和吸毒事件,呼吁立即采取行动。 Rep. JJ Humphrey is focused on exposing incidents of rape, extortion, beatings, and drug use within the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, calling for immediate action. 莎基亚·罗斯分享了一段她的兄弟在迪克·康纳惩教所遭到残酷殴打的视频,恳求变革和正义。 Shaykia Ross shared a video of her brother being brutally beaten in the Dick Conner Correctional Facility, pleading for change and justice.