俄克拉荷马州最高法院允许Hiett专员继续投票 尽管有不当行为指控 Oklahoma Supreme Court lets commissioner Hiett keep voting despite misconduct allegations.
俄克拉荷马州最高法院允许公司专员Todd Hiett继续投票审理案件,尽管有人指控行为不当,包括在工作会议上醉酒摸男人。 The Oklahoma Supreme Court has allowed Corporation Commissioner Todd Hiett to continue voting on cases despite allegations of misconduct, including drunkenly groping a man at a work conference. 三位共和党立法者曾向Hiett律师请愿,但法院裁定此案最好由俄克拉荷马州伦理委员会处理。 Three Republican lawmakers had petitioned to bar Hiett, but the court ruled the case is better handled by the Oklahoma Ethics Commission. Hiett没有被指控犯下任何罪行,立法者计划提出上诉。 Hiett has not been charged with any crime, and the lawmakers plan to appeal.